Open the Excel or CSV file.
Make sure there is NO formatting in the file
(no bold text, no lines—underlines or borders, no freeze frame and tab names should be “sheet1, sheet2, etc.)
**The fastest way to save an Excel file and remove the formatting is to click the top left corner of the sheet, this will highlight all, copy and then right click "paste as value" into a new Excel document.
Save the file with no formatting as an XLS or XLSX file.
In your database, Go to Contacts >Import Contacts
Select "choose file" to select the file you wish to upload
First, choose the type of import (importing new contacts vs. updating existing)
Select the mode you wish to use:
- Import as new contacts- imports contacts as completely new contacts
- Update existing contacts by matching the specified column(s)-this feature will update existing contacts in your database with your specified mapping
- Do not Import non-matching records as new contacts- if there is no matching contact already in your database, the new contact record will not be imported (use this if you only want to update existing contact records with new information, emails, phone numbers, etc.)
- Import non-matching records as new contacts- if there is no matching contact, this creates a completely new contact in your database (use this if you've updated your list with new contacts,and want to update existing contacts AND add in contacts that don't currently exist yet in your database) (Good if you have a list with potentially already existing contacts)
- Change the Record manager drop down to another record manager if needed- use this to assign contacts to a sales rep, or user in SalesNexus.
- Once Mapped, you can save your mapping for future imports by clicking "Save Mapping"
Column Mapping
The CSV Header (the first row in your CSV/Excel file) shows you the header names from your excel file
- If you hover over the header name, it will provide you with a preview of your data.
- Please note, the CSV Header field name does not need to match the Contact Field name.
The Contact Field column allows you to choose the corresponding SalesNexus field from your SalesNexus Account.
- SalesNexus uses Smart Auto Mapping to attempt to match field names in SalesNexus to the columns in your excel/csv contact file. Verify and change fields as needed.
- For easier fields mapping, SalesNexus has a search box in the dropdown. Commonly used fields will appear towards the top (first name, company, etc. usually fields that you are using most)
- Example- Company under CSV Header is mapped to the Company field in the Contact Field column next to it so that the data is imported into the company field.
- No mapping- means that this column will not be used (use this for unnecessary information that you don't want to import into your SalesNexus Account)
- SalesNexus uses Smart Auto Mapping to attempt to match field names in SalesNexus to the columns in your excel/csv contact file. Verify and change fields as needed.
- Select for Matching is what you chose to match contacts and prevent duplicates - For example, if you select email addresses for matching, it will prevent duplicate contacts from being imported with the same email address
- Select for Updating allows you to pick the fields that you want to update on an existing record- if you are choosing to update your contacts already in your database, selecting this option will update this particular field in your SalesNexus account for the matching contact. For example, you could choose for contacts with matching email addresses, to update the name field.
Add New Field -Use this to add fields to your SalesNexus Account
First, click the "+" to expand the window.
Field Name- What should it be called? This is the name salesnexus will use
Field Type- Is it a checkbox? Phone number? Email Address? Multi-select? Choose your field type here.
Finally, click "create this field" to finalize the change.
Additional Fields to Populate
Click the "+" button to add a new column to your CSV file
Anything selected here (Any new field added) will be added to every contact imported. Want to label this group of contacts as a certain company? Select "company" in the "select field", and then in the text box write the name of the Company.
If a field does not exist in the drop down menu next to the corresponding CSV Header line you can cancel the import and create them using the following article: How to Add New Fields
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