For an in-depth guide to creating your own email campaigns, feel free to watch our SalesNexus Email Marketing Training video!
To view existing campaigns that are available in your system:
- Go to Campaigns > View Campaigns
To create a new Email Campaign:
- Go to Campaigns > Create Campaign
- Fill in the following information for the Campaign:
NOTE: Before you can send an email Campaign, you will need to fill out your Company Profile, see: How to create a Company Profile
- Campaign Name - Enter a Name for your campaign.
- Subscription - Choose the subscription that this campaign will be targeted to. Unless you have defined additional Subscriptions aside from the Default, it is okay to leave the subscription “Default”. Subscriptions allow you to target groups of contacts within your database who are interested in specific subjects you are mailing about. For more about Subscriptions, see: How to Create Email Subscriptions
2nd Tier Campaign - You can choose another pre-existing campaign that will be this campaign’s “second tier” campaign. Contacts that have clicked links from the first campaign will automatically then be scheduled on the 2nd tier campaign.
- To add an email or emails to your campaign click on the “Add Email” button.
- Days after - Schedules this item x days after the Campaign is scheduled
- Notify opens - Choosing this option schedules a task for the user who the Campaign is scheduled as (Current User, Record Manager, etc...), if the Contact Opens the email
- Notify Clicks - Choosing this option schedules a task for the user who the Campaign is scheduled as (Current User, Record Manager, etc...), if the Contact Clicks a Link in your email
- Email Click Notification - Choosing this option sends an email to the user who the Campaign is scheduled as (Current User, Record Manager, etc...), if the Contact Clicks a Link in your email
Save - This button will save the changes that you made
- To add other items to the campaign such as a meeting, call or a to-do Choose them from the "Add" list.
- Each item in the list has a set of options to be configured:
ToDo, Call, Meeting:
- Be sure to set the "# of Days After Start Date" for this item to be scheduled when the Campaign is run.
- Ensure that the item is Scheduled for the correct user in your SalesNexus System.
- Each item in the list has a set of options to be configured:
- When done adding items to your Campaign:
- Clicking "Save Campaign Only" will save the Campaign, you will need to attach contacts to schedule it (see: How to Schedule an Existing Email Campaign)
- Clicking "Save and Begin Campaign" will allow you to add Contacts to your Campaign and schedule it to be sent at the time of your choosing
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